Friday, March 7, 2014

Here Goes Nothing.

I've attempted too many 'first post' paragraphs for too many blogs in my lifetime; I really haven't even been around that long. I get on a roll with blogging and talking, but then some "catastrophic" distraction hits my life and phew! it's out the window like that! This blog, hopefully, will be something I remember to write in...on...? and follow through with for a decent amount of time. Unlike my five other failed blogs. My goal is to post when I get a thought. Nothing scheduled. I am not really one that sticks to a planner. Go with the flow.

I am fascinated with the human brain, and more specifically, the subconscious. It's a real beast. Sometimes a burden. Beast of burden? But it's pretty bad ass regardless.

I wish [note: I wish to consider...I don't know if I am or not. It'd be nice to be] consider myself a radical thinker (on some things), but not much of a do-er. Now, whether that is because I spend more time in my head and not enough time with reality or if I am just a lazy teen remains a mystery, but I like to think that someday some one will find my ideas to be inspirational, life changing, blah blah blah. Otherwise it all just sounds like that. 

Ha, the fact that I am introducing myself in this is odd. I mean, I will more than likely be the only one to read this, ever. God bless anyone who does read this, though. Until then it's just me and my thoughts.

Here we go.

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